
Working Papers

Deforestation, Child Health and Education: New Evidence from Indonesia

Kishida, T., Ito, T., Yamamoto, Y.

University of Tokyo: CSRDA Discussion Paper Series, 2021

Abstract | PDF | CSRDA Website This study examines the effect of forest loss on child health and education in Indonesia, a country with one of the highest deforestation rates in the world. In line with the findings in the medical and biological literature, which have documented the linkage between deforestation and the breeding of malaria-carrying mosquitoes, our estimation results show that expanding deforestation significantly increases child fever but not other infectious diseases, implying an increased incidence of malaria infection due to deforestation. In addition, the results from the education analysis show that children exposed to larger-scale deforestation in early childhood are more likely to fall behind academically in terms of grade level but not cognitive performance. Various robustness checks suggest that the adverse health and educational effects are driven by forest loss but not other possible preexisting trends or confounders.

Revisiting Birth Order Effects on Child Health: Evidence from Bangladesh

Kishida, T., Matsuura, M., Saiful Islam, AHM.

IDE Discussion Paper (No.936), 2024

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (in Economics)

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (in Interdisciplinary Fields)

Effect of Drinking Water and Sanitation on Child Undernutrition and Diarrhea in Lao PDR

Kamiya, Y., Kishida, T.

Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 2023, 5(8):494-501

The Effects of Precipitation and Temperature on Birth Weight: A Cross-Sectional Study from the Republic of Benin

Tanou, M., Kishida, T., Kamiya, Y.

Global Journal of Health Science, 2022, 14, 7, 19-31

The effects of geographical accessibility to health facilities on antenatal care and delivery services utilization in Benin: A cross-sectional study

Tanou, M., Kishida, T., Kamiya, Y.

BMC Reproductive Health, 2021, 18, 205

Work in Progress

Air Pollution and Worker Productivity: Evidence from Nationally Representative Surveys in South Asia

Kishida, T.

Sunk costs affect cancellation behaviour during mountain hiking: New insight from mobile phone GPS data analyses

Kubo, T., Kang, J., Kishida, T., Uryu, S., Mieno, T., Tsuge, T., Arnberger, A.